Rebuilding Trust Once It’s Lost

March 24, 2023

(Part 2 of 2 on Why Trust Matters)

Near the end of the “Why Trust Matters in the Workplace” session, we briefly discussed how do you rebuild trust once it’s lost.

When trust has been lost and needs to be reestablished, it tends to be relationship or situation dependent; it can sometimes be chalked up to live and learn, then move on. However, we are not simply starting from where we left off….we’re starting farther back. Yet for the relationships or career paths that are near and dear to us, they may cause major setback that can end in divorce or job loss and leaves us wondering, ‘where do I go from here?’ The future that we had mapped out for us is no longer clear. While Patrick Lencioni’s “The FIVE Dysfunctions of a TEAM: A Leadership Fable” is geared toward a workplace environment, the foundation of trust reaches across all aspects of life.

For my sports and performance peeps- everyone knows what their role is on the diamond or pitch. With successful teams, there is implicit trust that everyone on the field will do their best for the good of the team; it can be seen if you’re a spectator or felt if you are a player. In turn, any fracture of trust can also be seen or felt. It takes getting into the trenches to mend the fracture through awareness, conversation, accountability and some conflict.

We have to move beyond fear - be vulnerable, be honest in order to build connection that leads to understanding and provides perspective of experience to create trust. I’m not saying you shouldn’t lean into your intuition, if it feels like the wrong time and space, then trust YOURSELF in that. It starts with having REAL conversations. Change will remain elusive if we don’t start with moving beyond the facade of ‘everything is awesome’ to being our real, authentic self.

If you want to explore how to rebuild trust lost, connect with me.

#effectivecommunication #buildingtrust #5BehaviorsofLeadership #intentionalliving #purposedrivenintent #3Arrowscg

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